Come & See

Campus Tours
Preview Days
Accepted Student Day

John 1:39 “Come and See.” So they went, saw where he was staying, and spent the day with him.”

A Day Can Change Your Life!

Websites and social media can’t give the full story. Let us help you best explore what your future would look like at The Institute. Come and see the full picture!

Preview Days ‘24-25

September 18
November 6
March 26

Preview Days provide give prospective students an opportunity to worship, learn, dine, tour, and serve alongside current Institute students. Students will:

Attend chapel
Hear from our President
Dine with students and staff
Enjoy a Campus Tour
Serve alongside other students in Nashville
Have an opportunity for a Q&A

Parents are welcome!

Book a campus tour that fits your schedule, at your convenience.

Don’t have much time?

Coffee on us!


2. Chat With Professors or Students


4. Apply to our College